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House in Rokugo

所在地 東京都大田区

主用途 住宅・事務所


 池原靖史建築設計事務所/担当 池原靖史


 トミ設計室/担当 冨山正幸


 三野建築構造研究所/担当 三野裕太



構造 木造
階数 地上2階
敷地面積 105.12㎡
建築面積 55.89㎡
延床面積 99.80㎡

設計 2017年3月~2019年4月
工事 2019年5月~2019年12月

竣工 2019年12月

写真 関拓弥  

Category: Renovation

Location:  Ota, Tokyo JAPAN

Principal use:  House・Office


 Ikehara Architect & Associates / Yasushi Ikehara 

Design Team:

 Tomi Design House / Masayuki Tomiyama

Structure engineering:

 Mino Structural Engineers / Yuta Mino

Structure: Timber

Scale: 2F

Site Area: 105.12 ㎡

Building Area: 55.89 ㎡

Total floor area: 99.80 ㎡

Completion: 2019

Photograph: ©️ takuya seki

「ミニ開発」の風景に 住まい を見出す 2つの「壁体」


計画にあたり、まちなみの連続性を保持する意図から、建物の屋根と外壁は既存のまま利用する方針とした。 軽量鉄骨を用いて構造補強したうえで間仕切り壁を取り除いた既存建物の外殻に対し、住まい全体を描き換えうる「確かさ」をもったコンクリートブロック積みの「壁体」を、慎重に布置する事とした。 建物内外の境界をときほぐし、また1階と2階をつなぐように2つの「壁体」が立ち上がると、幅員と明暗の深い階調が敷地内にレイアウトされ、それぞれの場所に相応しい生活機能が再配置される。


House in Rokugo:  Two Walls for Grounding a Sense of Home

The project site, which lies in a fire protection zone, was originally occupied by four cookie-cutter detached houses. These ready-built houses were each built as two-story, semi-fire-resistant wooden buildings with gross floor areas of 99 square meters, and they together form a so-called “mini-development”. The client had purchased one of the houses second hand with the intention of having it renovated. Although the roughly 20-year-old building showed no performance issues, it required extensive remodeling to meet the client’s needs. Having determined that the micro-landscape created by the four houses should be redesigned to generously embrace various things than to establish a bold contrast with its surroundings, I decided to introduce new cinder block walls that possess the soundness needed for rewriting the whole site while giving careful consideration to their placement in relation to the interior and exterior of the existing building and the effects that they achieve. This was a process comparable to setting stones in a garden. By placing one wall to breach the original envelope of the departitioned building and a second wall to pierce through the first and second levels, I was able to rearrange the functions of the house as appropriate for each location, expand the tonal range of the living spaces, and add breadth and shadow to the site. While the walls have brought with them new functions such as a light garden, library, closet, workspace, and staircase, they were designed so that they would not become any one of these things in particular. The essential role entrusted to these walls is rather to provide spiritual anchors for the residents to be able to recognize, and deepen their affection for, this place as their home. This, I believe, is architecture’s most primordial function.


「六郷の居拠」を WAB DESIGN さんのYoutubeチャンネルで取り上げていただきました。ぜひともご高覧ください。

House in Rokugo" was featured on WAB DESIGN's Youtube channel.  Take a look at the video in the link below.

建築家 池原靖史 | 建築家の自邸に訪れていろいろ聞いてみた

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